Imprint & Contact


Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V.
Curiestraße 2
70563 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0) 711 699 659-0
Fax: +49 (0) 711 699 659-29


association’s registration number: 720449
district court responsible for the seat of the association: Stuttgart
national tax7 number: FA Stuttgart 99015/29728
tax reference number: DE26836762

Responsible for the content according to section 5 of the German Telemediengesetz TMG:

Members of the Board:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Remlinger (chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Morich
Dr. Thomas Münz

Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Frederic Walser

Bank details:
Baden-Württembergische Bank
Account no: 851 3726 (BLZ 600 501 01)
BIC-/Swift-code: SOLADEST
IBAN: DE55600501010008513726

Getting here

By car

From A 8 from Karlsruhe resp. Ulm/München:At Stuttgarter Kreuz in direction to Stuttgart-Vaihingen/ Stuttgart-Zentrum take the A 831 to exit Unterer Grund, turn right at the 1. traffic light, take the first exit at the traffic circle.

From A 81 from Heilbronn:At Dreieck Leonberg in direction to Stuttgart take the A 8, then follow the directions from A 8 Karlsruhe explained above.

From A 81 from Singen:At Stuttgarter Kreuz further to the A 831 in direction to Stuttgart-Vaihingen/Stuttgart-Zentrum to exit Unterer Grund, turn right at the 1. traffic light, take the first exit at the traffic circle.

Parking spaces in the park-and-ride parking garage or directly on the STEP premises.


By train (S-Bahn)

The S-Bahn lines S1, S2 und S3 stop directly at the train stop Österfeld. S-Bahn driving time from main station (Hauptbahnhof) to train stop Österfeld: 12 minutes.

From airport to train station Österfeld: 15 minutes. From city centre to train station Österfeld: 10 minutes.


From the airport

With taxi from international airport Stuttgart to STEP within 15 minutes. Or with the train to train stop Österfeld.


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